Nicholas of Cusa
Nicholaus Cryfts, Nikolaus Krebs, Nikolaus von Kues, Nicolaus Treverensis, Nicolaus Cancer, Nicolaus Cusanus
Annotated Links to Cusanus on the Web
Nicholas of Cusa: born 1401 in Bernkastel-Kues; died 11 August 1464 in
Todi. Brief commentaries on and opinions about the most prominent sites that turn up on search engines under "Nicholas of Cusa" (not including brief encyclopedic entries). They are listed in rough order of perceived usefulness for understanding Nicolaus Cusanus.
The American Cusanus Society includes description of the society, links to members, links to other sites, and a list of Cusanus' writings and translations. Very good starting point for resources and contacts.
Institut Institut ür Cusanus-Forschung auf der Universität und der Theologischen Fakultät Trier in German/auf Deutsch by Prof. Dr. Klaus Reinhardt and the Institut; includes description of the institute, its members, its publications. The site is particularly useful for the Cusanus-Forum, which includes useful postings of recent scholarship. See the Cusanus Portal.
Jasper Hopkins; that scholar's personal page with downloadable translations into English of De Docta Ignorantia; De Coniecturus; De Deo Abscondito; De Quaerendo Deum; De Filiatione Dei; De Dato Patris Luminum; De Genesi; De Ignota Litteratura (Wenck); Apologia Doctae Ignorantiae; De Sapientia; De Mente; De Staticis Experimentis; De Pace Fidei; De Visione Dei; De Theologicis Complementis; De Beryllo; De Aequalitate; De Principio; De Possest; Cribratio Alkorani; De Li Non Aliud; De Ludo Globi; De Venatione Sapientiae; Compendium; De Apice Theoriae; his introduction to the translations: "Cusa on Wisdom and Knowledge;" and his essays "Glaube und Vernunft im Denken des Nikolaus von Kues" and "Cusa on Faith and Reason." Excellent access to writings by Cusanus and some good scholarly reads upon them by a major figure in the field.
Johannes Kepler and the Door to Science: Nicholas of Cusa; site to introduce scientific concepts to students.
Institut Nicholas of Cusa by J.G. Hagen; a concise, if dated, biography from The Catholic Encyclopedia of 1911, sympathetic to his political and ecclesiastical actions. Good general introduction in English.
Nikolaus von Kues (Nicolaus Cusanus) in German/auf Deutsch from the Ökumenisches Heiligenlexikon. Brief survey of life and thought.
Nicholas of Cusa by John J. O'Connor and Edmund F Robertson; a brief biography as part of The MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive; emphasizes his mathematical and astronomical interests, with picture, birthplace location, cross references and a few bibliographic references. Useful for quick impressions of his work on math.
"Nicholas of Cusa, Alberti and the Architectonics of the Mind" by Graziella Federici Vescovini, abstract of a paper which shows comparisons in the thought of Cusa and Alberti, from a conference on Alberti in 1998.
A Contribution for
Nicolaus of Cusa's 600th Birthday: A Dialogue of Cultures
by Helga Zepp LaRouche; a curious 2001 address comparing some of Cusanus' ideas
about politics and nations with those of the fringe American politician Lyndon
LaRouche. Only useful for helping to understand this particular
aspect of his thought.
Nicholas of Cusa by Elton Hall; a lengthy biography and interpretation of Cusa's ideas from the viewpoint of Theosophy. Useful for understanding this unique perspective.
Clyde Lee Miller at; that scholar's personal page with links to his essay.s.
Wayback Machine Deutsche Cusanus Gesellschaft in German/auf Deutsch with pages on biography, his works, sights and institutions in Bernkastel-Kues, lists of events. Good pictures and brief descriptions.
Wayback Machine Nikolaus von Kues (Cusanus) in German/auf Deutsch by Franz-Peter Kropp as part of his famous people of the Mosel region site. Includes biography, timeline, many pictures.
Brian A. Pavlac's Scholarship on Cusanus
Review of Erich Meuthen, Nicholas of Cusa: A Sketch for a Biography, trans. David Crowner and Gerald Christianson in Speculum 86 (2011): 1099-1100.
Chapter 3: Reform, in Introducing Nicholas of Cusa: A Guide to a Renaissance Man, edited by Christopher M. Bellitto, Thomas M. Izbicki, and Gerald Christianson (Paulist Press, 2004).
"The Curse of Cusanus: Excommunication in Fifteenth Century Germany," in Nicholas of Cusa and His Age: Intellect and Spirituality, edited by Thomas M. Izbicki and Christopher Bellitto (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2002): 199-213; reviewed by Cary Nederman in The Medieval Review.
Review of Wilhelm Baum and Raimund Senoner, ed. Nikolaus von Kues: Briefe and Dokumente zum Brixner Streit. Vol. 2: Nikolaus von Kues als Seelsorger. Briefe. Denkschriften (1453-1458) in the American Cusanus Society Newsletter, 18, no. 1 (June 2001): 37-38.
"The Curse of Cusanus: Excommunication and Politics in Fifteenth-Century Germany," Abstract in American Cusanus Society Newsletter, vol. 17, no. 1 (June 2000): 45-46.
"From Theory to Practice: the Failure of Nicholas of Cusa as Bishop of Brixen" Abstract in American Cusanus Society Newsletter, vol. 14, no. 1 (June 1997): 36.
"Nicolaus Cusanus as Prince-Bishop of Brixen (1450-64): Historians and a Conflict of Church and State," Historical Reflections/Rêflexions Historiques 21 (1995): 131-54; annotated in Deutsches Archiv 52 (1996): 734.
Last Updated: 2021 May 5