HIST 275
![]() Prof. Pavlac |
Class Schedule | Material on the Holy Roman Empire | links
This course offers a broadly based inquiry into the historical synthesis of Greco-Roman, Celtic, Judeo-Christian, and Germanic Barbarian cultures from the late Roman Empire through the age of medieval Christendom, ending with the Renaissance. The course surveys peoples and institutions, especially those of the knights, the clergy, the peasants, and the townspeople, which shaped this period of Western Civilization.
Reading and evaluating sources from history and literature, the students will learn how those people encountered life, death and the afterlife. Drawing also on art, music, drama, philosophy and theology, themes will include the dilemmas of women's choices, the conflict of chivalry and warfare, the interplay of imagination and reality, and the construction of the Christian faith.
Review the academic honesty policy concerning cheating and plagiarism, differing levels of violations, and your moral, ethical, and legal obligation only to submit work completed by you yourself. (click here for more information from the Student Handbook <http://www.kings.edu/non_cms/pdf/StudentHandbook.pdf#page=45>). Also see <Help stop Plagiarism!>.
The readings are intended to provide you with important factual and background information before class, a basis for discussion during class, and to be used as review and reference works afterwards.
Please obtain the following textbooks:
And you will also use these materials:
Before class, you will read according to the class schedule, below. In all
of your classes, you should prudently mark up, underline, highlight, and
otherwise annotate your texts as you study. For this class, you are required to
do so. Thus it would be best if you purchased/rented/leased a clean
un-marked-up copy of each text (whether new or used).
You should critique the texts as you study. While you are reading,
use one or more highlighters or pens to mark up portions of the texts. You might
use marks similar to those used by the professor in his assessment of your own
assignments, found here.
You might consider different colors for (a) historical facts, terms, dates, (b)
important points or details, or (c) key explanatory phrases and sentences (d)
significant quotes or lines. You might write comments
in the margins about the following points:
Carefully reading and
noting texts is so important that the instructor applies two methods of
First, quizzes may be given. Quizzes are usually open book, so you may
copy your answers from your notes onto the quiz sheet. Use your own
words: language similar to the texts may be plagiarism.
Second, you are
required to turn in your textbooks at exams; then the instructor will
evaluate how well you have marked it up and answered review questions.
both Rosenwien textbooks to every class as scheduled to discuss them;
bring and the
handouts as assigned. Ask questions about your texts. We will discuss them. After class, regularly through the semester,
you should review your class notes and compare them with the texts.
you have a used textbook that has already been marked up or an electronic
version of the textbook, or there is some other problem with obtaining a textbook, see
the instructor within the first two weeks of classes so that solutions can be
found for your use of the textbook and subsequent evaluation.
Participation and attendance are necessary because lecture and discussion provide the essentials for achieving class goals and objectives. Thus a portion of your grade (about 25%) will depend on your in-class performance, aside from graded quizzes, exams, and papers.
During class, students will be called on at random to explain and/or start discussion on a particular text required for that day's class. For more on evaluating texts and sources, study this page: <http://staff.kings.edu/bapavlac/methods/sourceeval.html>.
You are required to attend each class, arrive on time, remain attentive, maintain proper classroom decorum, respond to questions, and participate in discussion and small-group activities. You are encouraged to take notes and ask questions. Some class material will examine explicit issues of sex and violence. Students are expected to be informed about significant current events, to enable mature engagement with the relevance of our society's past to present problems and controversies.
During class, electronic devices may only be used for tasks and information relevant to the classroom activity and may not distract you or other students. Only with the instructor's permission may class be recorded, only to be used for your own study, and the recordings must be erased after the final exam.
Any student who has a learning disability, physical handicap, and/or any other possible impediment to class participation and requirements (whether vetted by the Academic Skills Center or not) should meet with the instructor within the first two weeks of classes to establish available accommodations.
If, at some point during the semester, you must discontinue the course, whether due to poor performance, illness, or some other cause, be sure to follow proper procedures for withdrawal through the Registrar.
Since participation and class attendance are necessary, if you miss a class
you must complete an Absentee
Assignment (see below) so that the instructor may evaluate
whether some learning has taken place (see below).
If you arrive at class
late, after attendance is taken, you must personally request that the absence be
turned into a tardy mark; otherwise an Absentee
Assignment (see below) may be
required. Students who need to leave a class early, except for an emergency,
should notify the instructor before class begins.
Missing a class falls
into two categories, excused or unexcused, either of which requires submission
of an Absentee
Assignment (see below).
1. Excused absences are due to
college activities, an emergency, or extended illness. They require a
notification by the appropriate College official (coach, director, etc.). If you
know in advance, you should consult with the instructor about making up/turning
in missed work; otherwise contact the instructor as soon as possible after your
return. They should have no negative impact upon your grade.
2. All
other absences, for whatever reasons, are unexcused, but do not require any
written documentation. More than a few will lower the class participation
portion of your grade.
After any absence, you are also responsible for
requesting any hand-outs and already-returned assignments from the instructor,
or borrowing notes from other students.
If you miss any quizzes
and/or class projects due to an excused absence, you may make them up with the explicit permission of the
professor, who may require any
equivalent assignment; otherwise you will get an average of the other student
grades, if you turn in an absentee assignment.
If you miss an exam, you do not need to complete an
Absentee Assignment, but contact the instructor as soon as possible to schedule
a make-up for the exam. You may take a missed exam only at the discretion of the
A few unexcused absences or a make-up exam should not significantly affect your grade. Always, your health is your first priority. If you are sick, stay away from class, and seek proper treatment and rest before returning to class.
Since participation and class attendance are necessary, if you miss a class you must complete an Absentee Assignment
so that the instructor may evaluate whether some learning has taken place.
For an Absentee Assignment, you
are to write a no-more-than-one page essay (in
proper presentation format--the title on the cover page should be "Absentee
Assignment" followed on the next line by the date of the class missed) covering that day's reading or discussion topic.
These papers are ungraded, without points, and not returned; yet failure to
complete Absentee Assignments will significantly lower your grade, perhaps
resulting in failure of the course.
Deadlines: The assignment(s) should be
turned in to the instructor at the beginning of the next class after you return.
1. You will have two exams, a midterm and a final as assigned during finals week, consisting of short answers and long essays (100 and 150 points). Before each exam, the professor will provide a study guide with key terms and sample questions. Your diligent attention and participation in class, note-taking, study, and review are necessary to do well on the exams.
2. You will have several in-class discussion/projects, intermittently through the semester. As always, you are required to have read before class the appropriate material (as listed on the class schedule, and be prepared to discuss and/or write about it in pairs or small groups. You may be evaluated by short quizzes or written reports done in-class or after class, either individually or in groups, worth between 10 and 20 points each.
You will write four-to-five page reflection paper on the historiography of the Holy Roman Empire (100 points). You will also discuss the main issues in class.
Purpose: In trying to understand and explain the past, historians argue opposing or contradictory theses or points-of-view about the meaning of historical persons, events, and institutions. The Holy Roman Empire has been one such controversial topic for historians. Your examination of this structure will help both understand the Middle Ages and historical methodology. Also, this exercise will build your skills in reading texts in-depth, doing research, preparing bibliographies and footnotes, and organizing your findings in a clear, coherent and interesting narrative.
You earn your grade through work done for this course. You are responsible to understand why you have achieved a certain grade and what you can do to maintain or improve your grade. You are encouraged to consult with the professor during office hours or by appointment both before and after exams and written assignments. For more information see the grading policy. The final exam is comprehensive, covering material for the entire course. Only paper from the instructor is to be used. Please write legibly, in blue/black ink (no pencils).
Your final grade will be based on a percentage (above 90%=A, 80-89%=B, etc.) of the sum of the assignments. Different assignments will be worth certain point values.
For your protection, in case of errors of recording, you should keep copies of all exams and assignments until you have received official notice of your final grade. Any and all materials done for this course may become the property of the professor, who may use them for assessment, evaluative, scholarly, or research purposes.
Should the College cancel classes or have a compressed schedule, still do work according to the schedule below, until otherwise instructed by the professor.
Meeting time under the compressed schedule is 2:30-3:15 pm.
week-date | topic | readings & assignments |
1-M Jan 16 | Orientation | none |
W Jan 18 | Intro to Medieval History | Why the Middle Ages Matter Today |
2-M Jan 23 | The End of Rome and the Rise of Christianity | Chapter ONE 300-600 1.1 Edict of Milan; 1.2 Theodosian Code; 1.3 Plagues; 1.4 Heretics; 1.5 Nicene Creed |
W Jan 25 | The surviving Church | 1.6 City of God; 1.10 Active Life; 1.13 Cassiodorus; 1.14 Toledo; 1.15 Gregory of Tours |
3-M Jan 30 | Monasticism | 1.7 Benedictine Rule; 1.8 Virginal life; (1.9 Eremetical Life or 1.11 Radegund ascetic); 1.12 Radegund collector |
W Feb 1 | The Dark Ages | Chapter TWO 600-750: 2.10 Isidore; 2.11 Leudegar martyr; 2.12 Childebert dispute; 2.13 Boniface; 2.14 Bede |
4-M Feb 6 | The Carolingians | Chapter THREE 750-900: 3.1 Manors; 3.3 slave contract; 3.10 Stephen and Pippin; 3.11 Einhard; 3.13 Dhuoda |
W Feb 8 | The Creation of Europe | Chapter FOUR 900-1050: 4.3 Cluny; 4.4 Cluny donors |
5-M Feb 13 | Feudal Europe | 4.4 William and Hugh; 4.5 Peace of God; 4.6 Catalan Castellan; 4.12 Stephen of Hungary; 4.13 Thietmar and Poland; 4.16 Bruno; 4.17 Alfred; 4.18 Ethelred |
W Feb 15 | European Expansion | Chapter FIVE 1050-1150: 5.1 Colonists from Holland; 5.3 London; 5.9 Jewish Martyrs; 5.10 Stephen on Crusade; 5.11 Muslim reaction; 5.12 Lisbon |
6-M Feb 20 | England | 5.13 Normans; 5.14 Native English; 5.15 Bayeaux; 5.16 Domesday Book |
W Feb 22 | Mind | 5.6 Vesting Prayers; 5.7 Clerics; 5.8 Visitation; 5.17 Abelard; 5.18 Medical Science; 5.19 Stones; 5.20 Bernard; 5.21 Peter the Venerable |
7-M Feb 27 | Holy Roman Empire I | Assigned Readings on the Holy Roman Empire; 5.4 Henry and Gregory; 5.5 Gregory; Glossary Terms I due |
W Mar 1 | Midterm EXAM | Everything thus far... |
8-M Mar 13 | More expansion | Chapter SIX 1150-1250: 6.1 Northern Crusades; 6.2 Fourth Crusade |
W Mar 15 | Kings | 6.3 Assizes of Clarendon; 6.4 Lawsuit; 6.5 Laws of Cuencia; 6.13 Constitutions of Clarendon; 6.15 Magna Carta |
9-M Mar 20 | Popes | 6.10 Innocent III; 6.11 papal register; 6.12 Gospel according to Marks of Silver |
W Mar 22 | Estates | 6.6 Bec manorial court; 6.7 Genoese societas; 6.8 Silk Guild; 6.9 Shearers Guild;; 6.18 Troubadour; 6.19 Trobairitz; 6.20 Bertran de Born; 6.22 Lancelot |
10-M Mar 27 | Holy Roman Empire II | Assigned Readings on the Holy Roman Empire; 6.14 Besançon: Glossary Terms II due |
W Mar 29 | Faith alternatives | 6.23 Lateran IV; 6.24 Waldo; 6.25 Mary of Oignes; 6.26 Canticle to Brother Son; 6.27 Heresy in Trier |
11-M Apr 3 | Late Medieval Crises | Chapter SEVEN 1250-1350: 7.1 Mongols; 7.2 Guyuk Khan; 7.3 Hungarian King; (7.4 Poland frontier or 7.5 Lithuanian Duke); 7.6 Prussian Land; 7.16 Louis; 7.17 Parliament; 7.18 Clericos Laicos; 7.19 Unam Sanctam; 7.20 Boniface heretic; 7.21 Estates-general |
W Apr 5 | Outsiders | 7.13 Inquisition; 7.14 lepers; (7.15 Jews or 8.4 Jews); 8.5 plague; 8.16 Margery Kempe; 8.17 Hussites |
12-M Apr 10 | More Commerce | 7.8 Bulgaria and Venice; 7.9 Ghibelline; 7.10 Hanseatic League; 7.12 Siena |
W Apr 12 | End of the Middle Ages | Chapter EIGHT 1350-1500: 8.3 Prayers at York; 8.7 Ottoman agreement with Venice; 8.11 Froissart; 8.12 Jeanne; 8.13 Lucca; 8.14 Wat Tyler; 8.15 Gerson |
13-W Apr 19 | Medieval vs. Renaissance | 8.18 humanists; 8.19 Alberti; 8.20 Christine de Pisan |
14-M Apr 24 | New World | 8.22 Cortés |
W Apr 26 | Medieval History | Epilogue; Holy Roman Empire Historiography Paper due |
15-M May 1 | Review | Everything thus far... |
tba | Final EXAM | and that's all. |
Although this syllabus presents the basic content and requirements of the course, the professor reserves the right to change anything (e.g. assignments, point values, topics, due dates, grading policy, etc.), at any time, at his discretion.
Class Schedule | Material on the Holy Roman Empire | links
URL: http://www.brianpavlac.org/teach /HIST275.html Copyright © MMXXII by Brian A. Pavlac Last Revision: 2022 February 1 |