HIST 425 B Nazi Germany Syllabus
![]() Prof. Pavlac |
Research Paper | Class Schedule
This course examines the development of Nazi ideology and politics in Germany and Austria. It began with the origins of nationalist and racist ideas in the 19th century as Second German Empire was formed and the Austro-Hungarian Empire held on. Then the devastation of World War I and the collapse of the imperial monarchies allowed the development of fascism and national socialism. The turmoil of the twenties and thirties enabled Adolf Hitler to seize power and transform Central Europe. Hitler's attempt to conquer all of Europe, while eliminating Bolshevism and the Jews, led to the Allied victory of World War II. We will end with a glance at the lingering affects of Nazism on Germany, Austria and the world today.
The required readings are intended both to provide you with important factual and background information before class and to be used as review and reference works afterwards. Before class, you will read the chapters or pages assigned according to the class schedule, section VIII. Not all topics in the books will be covered in class, but you are responsible for them on the exam and in class discussion. Handouts are to be read and used as instructed.
The instructor may give quizzes to test your reading and comprehension.
Participation and attendance are necessary because lecture and discussion provide the essentials for achieving class goals and objectives. Thus a portion of your grade (about 20%) will depend on your in-class performance. You are required to attend each class, arrive on time, remain attentive, respond to questions, ask questions and participate in any in-class projects.
Lectures may be recorded with the instructor's permission, although the tapes must be erased after the exams.
The instructor will regularly take attendance. Absences due to college activities, emergency or extended illness may be excused by the appropriate director or dean. Other absences are unexcused and will lower the class participation portion of your grade. After any absence, you are responsible for making up missed work, requesting hand-outs and already returned assignments, or borrowing notes from other students. Whether absences are excused or not, you cannot get a higher grade than the percentage of classes attended.
All students who have a learning disability, physical handicap and/or any other possible impediment to class participation and requirements should schedule an appointment with the instructor during the first week of class to discuss available accommodations.
If you miss an exam, contact the instructor as soon as possible. You may take a missed exam only at the discretion of the instructor. The makeup exam may be in the form of an oral exam.
If at some point during the semester you must discontinue the course, due to poor performance, illness or some other cause, be sure to follow proper procedures for withdrawal.
You will take one mid-term exam on the assigned date in the class schedule, section VIII, and a final exam as assigned during finals week. Exams are described in more detail below, section V.
You will have several in-class discussion/projects. Short quizzes or written reports wil also be required to evaluate the comprehension of video presentations. You will also have two three readings reports.
You will have one research paper of twelve to fifteen pages. You will also evaluate the research papers of two other students.
You earn your grade through work done for this course.
For your protection, in case of errors in recording, you should keep copies of all exams and assignments until you have received notice of your grade.
Your final grade will be based on a percentage (above 91%=A, 89%=B+, 81%=B, etc.) of the sum of the following points: 10-20 for each quiz or in-class discussion/project and paper evaluation; 200 for the research paper; 100 for the midterm exam, 130 for the final exam; and 200 for your class performance and attendance.
You will take one mid-term exam on the assigned date in the class schedule, section VIII, and a final exam, which is comprehensive, as assigned during finals week.
Both exams will consist of short identifications quizzing knowledge of detail and significance, and essays testing your understanding of the course material through logical presentation of facts and explanation of historical trends.
To study for the exams you should regularly, at least once a week, review your class notes, especially for identifications drawn from the overhead outline. You should also compare and contrast these notes with your textbook and other readings.
Only paper from the instructor is to be used. Please write legibly, in ink.
Regularly through the semester we will have in-class discussions and projects. You are required to have read before class the appropriate material (as listed on the class schedule, section VIII, or otherwise assigned by the instructor) and be prepared to discuss and write about it with the instructor or in small groups.
You will be evaluated by short quizzes or written reports done in-class or after class, worth between 10 and 20 points each.
Students with unexcused absences will receive no credit for the project/discussion. Students with excused absences may prepare a short report, after consultation with the instructor.
You are to write a ten-to-twelve page research paper on a specific aspect of National Socialism. First Version (100 pts.) Due: Thursday, March 14. Second Version (100 pts.) Due: Thursday, April 11.
This exercise will acquaint you with the processes used by historians in conducting original research. Thus you will read carefully, manage information, evaluate different historical opinions, compare and contrast arguments, organize you thoughts and present them in a clear, coherent and interesting narrative. You will also gain expertise and knowledge about a portion of the history of fascism in Europe.
1. Select by one of the following topics about National Socialism (or another with written approval of the instructor): origins before World War I; growth during the Weimar Republic; membership; police state; expansion as a totalitarian state; women's roles; propaganda; the churches; onduct of World War II; eugenics; resistance.
2. Prepare a thesis, an argument about the topic which will guide your research and help explain National Socialism. By January 31, you should meet with the instructor, during regular office hours or by appointment, to discuss the adequacy of the thesis and the progress of your research. Please consult the instructor for any advice concerning the paper, well in advance of its due date.
3. Using your thesis as a guide, collect, interpret and organize information about the topic. Be sure to analyze the appropriate primary sources from the readings, and consult relevant historical monographs and journal articles. In addition to the relevant class texts, you must cite at least 8 books, 3 journal articles, 3 primary sources. Internet sites may also be included, but will not count toward your minimum they are to be used with caution.
4. Write, re-write, polish and proofread your research paper according to the instructions below, then turn 3 (three) copies in on March 14. This first version, which will be evaluated as a final version, not a draft, is worth 100 pts.
5. Write, re-write, polish and proofread your research paper, taking into account the corrections and suggestions offered on the first, teacher/student-corrected version. Turn in your second version, along with the first, teacher/student-corrected copy on April 11. This second version is worth 100 pts. The teacher will especially evaluate how well the paper was improved between versions.
Meeting due dates are an important aspect of written assignments. Papers should be handed in to the instructor, by you yourself, at the beginning of class on the dates assigned (see class schedule, section VIII). Unless special arrangements have been made, no late papers or assignments will be accepted, which means no credit (zero).
Both for practice in following guidelines and to facilitate consistency in grading, papers should be uniform in appearance.
As part of the research paper assignment, you will evaluate the research papers of two other students. When you turn in your first version, bring three copies. One the instructor will evaluate, the other two will go to two other students chosen at random. In the next class the instructor will redistribute two papers for you to evaluate, according to a form modeled on the chart below.
In your assessment, be as honest, positive and thorough as possible. Only the instructor will see your comments, not the student whose paper you are evaluating. If you have any questions, please see the instructor. Your evaluations are worth up to 20 (twenty) points each, assessed according to their quality of care and thought. You must return your evaluated papers and forms to the instructor in class on March 26. Failure to turn it in on time may mean failure for the paper also.
The instructor will then prepare a combined evaluation sheet and give it and one copy of your paper back to you. You should use the suggestions as a basis to revise your research paper for the second version.
Using the following chart, other students will evaluate and the instructor will grade your research paper. You should use these criteria yourself as a self-assessment guide as you complete the project.
All topics and assignments on the schedule are tentative; the instructor may change them at his discretion. date topic pages to be read before class. See the printed version.
Research Paper | Class Schedule
. | . | URL: http://brianpavlac.org/teach/HIST425.html |