HIST 101
![]() Prof. Pavlac |
Section B:
Campus Ministry Aud MWF, 11:15-12:05 pm |
Moodle | General Requirements (Reading, Note Taking) | Attendance and Absentee Assignment
Quizzes | Map Quizzes Three Exams
Written Assignment | Instructions for Turning in Papers | Grade Information
Where did our culture come from and how does it matter? This course on Western Civilization can help answer those questions. We will survey the main stages of Western Civilization, with an emphasis on concepts, forces, ideas, events, and people that have shaped our society up through the 19th century. In other words, we will examine, through lectures and discussion of readings, how our ancestors and the creators of our culture handled nature, ordered government, structured society, produced wealth, expressed ideas in word and form, and conceived the ultimate meaning of life, the universe, and everything.
This class is an important part of your education! Civilization courses are designed to explore in some depth the complex dimensions of our world and the cumulative experience of the past, to provide an understanding of how yesterday influences today and the outlook for tomorrow. We study the major developments of Western peoples until the 20th century because most of the problems and institutions of contemporary society have distinguishable roots in the historical past. Moreover, because of the physical and material expansion of the West in the modern period, many of these forms (capitalist industrial manufacturing, the nation-state system, etc.) have become global in nature.
We offer this course as part of your general education requirements because it is important for informed citizens to be familiar with the main stages of Western Civilization and recognize it as an expanding force which produced important forms of political, social, and economic organization. You should understand that most of the structures within which we order our lives are products of this evolution. Historians believe that past human behavior can be studied scientifically and that social scientists can improve our understanding of people in the present.
Further, whatever your major or career goals may be, throughout your lives you will be deluged with information, opinion, and interpretations about events which you should be able to evaluate critically. Answering questions and solving problems by critical analysis -- not just memorization of data -- is a basic goal of education. Information is just the raw material in this process and, though rational analysis must be based on factual data, memorizing tidbits of information is not an end in itself. Our real goal is to develop concepts which give order and meaning to the raw material of our recorded past. Doing this requires comprehension beyond minimal factual details of past events. Major emphasis will be on patterns, themes, and concepts against which the factual data must be understood.
We hope that upon successful completion of this course you will have improved your understanding of world civilizations and become a more perceptive judge of the data, opinions, interpretations, and explanations continuously offered to you. This process, indeed, should last your whole life, since (paraphrasing the observation of the distinguished professional historian Carl L. Becker from 1931) "Ultimately, every person is their own historian."
Student Learning Outcomes
In addition, this course has some general liberal-learning goals. It is expected that successful completion of this course will help you improve:
Review the academic honesty policy concerning cheating and plagiarism, differing levels of violations, and your moral, ethical, and legal obligation, that assignments "submitted for credit as a part of a course in fulfillment of a college requirement are the original works of the student." (click here for more information from the Student Handbook). Also see <Help stop Plagiarism!>.
Before class, consult the schedule, below and/or the Moodle listing for what is to be covered on any particular week or day. Regularly consult the sechdule to plan for assignments due. Every class as noted, make sure you print out the WebSOURCE (see below) and think about the "BIG question" as you do your readings. Although this syllabus present the basic content and requirements of the course, the professor reserves the right to change anything (e.g. assignments, point values, topics, due dates, grading policy, etc.), at any time, at his discretion.
The readings are intended to provide you with important factual and
background information before class, a basis for discussion during class, and to
be used as review and reference works afterwards.
1. Obtain the
following textbook, in paper (not digital/electronic, as clean a copy as possible, whether new, used, or rented):
Pavlac, Brian A., A Concise Survey of Western
Civilization: Supremacies and Diversities throughout History.
Combined Volume. Third Edition. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,
Inc.; ISBN-13:
See the
website for study guides and other learning aids:
Before class, you will read the text according to the schedule, below being sure to relate it to each BIG question of the class topic. In all
of your classes in college, you should prudently mark up, underline, highlight, and
otherwise annotate your texts as you study. For this class, you are required to
do so. Thus it would be best if you purchased/rented/leased/borrowed a clean
un-marked-up copy of the text (whether new or used).
You should critique the textbook as you study. While you are reading,
use one or more highlighters or pens to mark up portions of the text. You might
use marks similar to those used by the professor in his assessment of your own
assignments, found here.
You might consider different colors for (a) historical facts, terms, dates, (b)
important points or details, or (c) key explanatory phrases and sentences (d)
significant quotes or lines.
You might write comments
in the margins about the following points:
Be sure to write a response to the review question at the end of each section in the Concise Western Civ
text by writing in your book (or on a removeable note) in the space provided.
Carefully reading and
noting texts is so important that the instructor applies two methods of
First, quizzes will be given as assigned via Moodle. Quizzes are open book, so you may
copy your answers from your notes into the Written Assignment module. Do not quote and do use your own
words: language similar to the text may be plagiarism.
Second, you are
required to turn in or show your textbook before or at each exam; then the instructor will
evaluate how well you have marked it up and answered review questions.
Bring your Concise Survey textbook to
every class. Ask questions about your text. We will discuss what is in it. After class, regularly through the semester,
you should review your class notes and compare them with the text.
you have a used textbook that has already been marked up, or an electronic
version of the textbook, or you have some other problem with obtaining a textbook, see
the instructor within the first two weeks of classes so that solutions can be
found for your use of the textbook and subsequent evaluation.
You will read modern versions of primary sources, or WebSOURCES, accessible on the internet. Before class, you will PRINT OUT and read the sources according to the schedule, below.
As you read each WebSOURCE and mark it, you may want to answer the following questions:
For more on sources, see <http://staff.kings.edu/bapavlac/methods/sources.html>.
Quizzes will be given as assigned via Moodle. Quizzes are open note, so you may copy and adapt your answers from your notes into the Written Assignment module. Do not quote and do use your own words: language similar to the text may be plagiarism.
1. Traditional in-person classes: Participation and attendance are necessary because lecture and discussion provide the essentials for achieving class goals and objectives. Thus a portion of your grade (about 20%) will depend on your in-class performance, aside from graded quizzes, exams, and papers. You are required to attend each scheduled class meeting, arrive on time, remain attentive, maintain proper classroom decorum, respond to questions, and participate in discussion and small-group activities. If you are using a personal computer, you are not to use any other apps or programs other than necessary to take notes or access study materials.
You are encouraged to take notes and ask questions. Since mature engagement with our society's past and present problems and controversies requires knowledge of current events, students are expected to be informed about significant current events.
During class, electronic devices may only be used for tasks and information relevant to the classroom activity and may not distract you or other students. Only with the instructor's permission may any aspect of class or its participants be recorded, only to be used for your own study, and the recordings must be erased after the final exam.
Disabilities, Accessibility, and Inclusive Learning: King’s College is committed to ensuring that all students can participate fully in the King’s experience, and therefore to creating an inclusive learning environment for all students. King’s views disability as an aspect of human diversity, and continually works with students, faculty, and staff to identify environmental and attitudinal barriers and to improve accessibility on campus and in our online platforms. Therefore, if you have physical, sensory, psychological, or learning disabilities, we would like to support your access to course materials through reasonable accommodations. Please contact the Disability Services Coordinator, in the Academic Skills Center, at the beginning of the semester regarding King’s policies and procedures for documenting and accommodating differing abilities (see Services for Student with Disabilities in the Student Handbook or the King’s College Academic Skills Center website, <https://www.kings.edu/academics/support/skills_center>, for more information). King’s respects your right to keep disabilities confidential and requires faculty to maintain confidentiality while they work with you and other offices to ensure these accommodations.
Any student who has any possible impediment to class participation and requirements should meet with the instructor within the first two weeks of classes to establish available accommodations.
If, at some point during the semester, you must discontinue the course, whether due to poor performance, illness, or some other cause, be sure to follow proper procedures for withdrawal through the Registrar.
2. Zoom classes: If necessary, the college or instructor may switch tto all online format, or each individual student may request to attend class virtually. Participation and attendance All of the above expectations sitll apply with the following changes: use your computer from a quiet, stable, distraction-free space; leave your camera on; mute your microphone unless requested to unmute by the instructor or you have a question. Connection information for Zoom will be provided when necessary on Moodle.
Since participation and class attendance are necessary, if you miss a class
you must complete an Absentee
Assignment (see below) so that the instructor may evaluate whether some learning has taken place (see below)..
If you arrive at class
late, after attendance is taken, you must personally request that the absence be
turned into a tardy mark; otherwise an Absentee
Assignment (see below) may be
required. Students who need to leave a class early, except for an emergency,
should notify the instructor before class begins.
Missing a class falls
into two categories, excused or unexcused, either of which requires submission
of an Absentee
Assignment (see below).
1. Excused absences are due to college activities, an emergency, or extended illness. They require a notification by the appropriate College official (coach, director, etc.). If you know in advance, you should consult with the instructor about making up/turning in missed work; otherwise contact the instructor as soon as possible after your return. They have no negative impact upon your grade.
2. All other absences, for whatever reasons, are unexcused, and do not require any written documentation. If you are sick or potentially contagious definitely do not attend class in person.
After any absence, you are also responsible for
requesting any hand-outs and already-returned assignments from the professor
or borrowing notes from other students.
If you miss an exam, you do not need to complete an
Absentee Assignment, but contact the instructor as soon as possible to schedule
a make-up for the exam. You may take a missed exam only at the discretion of the
If you turn in Absentee Assignments, absences or a make-up exam should not significantly affect your grade. Always, your health is your first priority. If you are sick, stay away from class, and seek proper treatment and rest before returning to class.
For an Absentee Assignment, you
are to write one paragraph of between 200 and 325 words, discussing the topic of the day answering the Big Question for that day using the
assigned textbook reading AND the relevant WebSOURCE.
Use some specific details.
Write the paragraph in a Microsoft Word document using
proper presentation format. At the top of the page put your name and the date of the class missed. Send the document as an attachment by e-mail to the instructor (bapavlac@kings.edu), using "Absentee Assignment" as your subject line. These papers are ungraded, without points, and not returned; yet failure to
complete Absentee Assignments will significantly lower your grade, perhaps
resulting in failure of the course. You must write the Absentee Assignment in addition to any assigned quiz on the textbook reading or WebSOURCE of the day, but if you miss that assignment, a submitted Absentee Assignment will qualify for a grade of the average of other students completing the assignment.
Deadlines: The assignment(s) should be sent to the instructor by the beginning of the next class after you return or feel better. None will be accepted after the last day of classes.
G. Regular Quizzes and In-class projects
The instructor as assigned on Moodle will give quizzes or brief written assignments to test your reading and comprehension and to review (worth between 5 and 20 points). The quizzes will be open book/note and will usually be one of these types:
You may take the quizzes on Moodle any time after they become active, before their respective due dates and times (before 11 am). If you miss taking one, you cannot take a replacement. For help with computer issues on Moodle, contact Ms. Bonnie Scutch at (570) 208-5900, telephone extension 6036, or email at moodle@kings.edu.
About the Map Quizzes: Unless you know where things are, you cannot understand how they are related to each other. Therefore portions of exams and quizzes of this course require knowledge about historical geography: how peoples and countries develop significant spatial relations over time. Each exam will have a map portion, but you will also take map quizzes by computer using Moodle.
You are responsible at all times for the general topography of Europe, but as we move through history some geographic locations become newly significant. For each exam, covering each part of the course, the new locations are listed, but you are still responsible for the earlier ones.
Maps are also available on the ConciseWesternCiv site:
under the "Extras" link.
For study and practice, use the map at <http://www.concisewesternciv.com/images/mapEUROPb.jpg>. Also go to Moodle for study paths, self-tests, the quizzes, and a list of all required specific locations to know.
We may through the term have in-class discussions and projects.
You are required to have read before class the appropriate material (as listed
on the class schedule , or otherwise assigned by the instructor) and be prepared to
discuss and write about it with the instructor or in small groups.
In class, you will take two major exams as scheduled during the term and one more during finals week, for a total of three exams. The exams are comprehensive: exams cover material since the beginning of the course (although most of each exam will focus on the portion most recently covered). All exams will consist of both objective questions testing recall based on historical geography and maps and essays demanding your understanding of the course material through logical argument of facts and explanation of historical trends. Only paper from the instructor is to be used. Please write legibly, in blue/black ink (no pencils).
Taking an exam online may only be done with permission of the instructor, and should be requested as soon as possible.
To study for the exams you should regularly, at least once a week, review your
class notes, and refer to the study questions linked below. You should
also compare and contrast these notes with your textbook and with the issues and trends
emphasized in the class description. To avoid
exam errors, check this page.
The pages located on the web are for you to look at and study ahead of exams: Study Questions for Exam 1; Study Questions for Exam 2; The Final Exam will consist of several questions to be posted later dealing with questions of history and primary sources.
Outside of the classroom you will research and write a major written assignment, PLAGUES, culminating in a four-to-five page essay which deals with the Black Death and another plague from history. You will evaluate, through comparing and contrasting, facts, opinions, and myths of history.
Considering the present pandemic, an understanding of the impact of disease on Western civilization is essential. You will manage information, evaluate different historical opinions, analyze arguments, organize your thoughts and present them in a clear written form in order to better understand an historical process.
To properly guide you through the research process, the assignment is divided into several parts, as follows.
Part ONE: Written Assignment Quiz (10 points)
As preparation for writing, you must take a quiz on
Moodle about your writing assignments. The links
below should provide you with all the information necessary to answer the quiz
Part TWO: Choice of Topic (10 points)
1. Choose a Topic from the list at <http://brianpavlac.org/teach/101PlagueC.html>.
Topics are either a specific epidemic event or a disease you can follow through several events. [You may choose another event or disease not on this list with written permission of the professor]. Before committing yourself to your selection, you should learn something about it through tertiary sources such as the textbook,
research in print sources or online, or
Wikipedia and
Encyclopedia Britannica Online search.
2. Submit your assignment at the beginning of class on the date listed in the
in the proper presentation
format (page number location, margin size, Times Roman 12-point font throughout
line spacing, etc.) with (1) a title page; followed by (2) a page numbered #1 with the your topic selection
and correct Turabian/Chicago format for citation of an article from either
Wikipedia and
Encyclopedia Britannica Online.
Part THREE: Primary and Secondary Source Research (25 points)
1. Consult at least four of the scholarly books on the Black Death on reserve in the Corgan Library or scholary books and articles from some other library. For your own special topic, find at least three relevant peer-reviewed books and scholarly articles. These
secondary sources must be from printed books and journals,
namely scholarly, biographical, detailed works, written by professional
historians and which closely examine the rulers or their times). [Journal
articles may be full-text versions from an appropriate database, such as
Academic Search Premiere/EBSCOhost. N.B. make sure you use full
articles, not abstracts or book reviews.]
2. Take notes on the secondary sources you have consulted. You can use either a word processor or take notes by hand on paper. Notes information should include the pages from which you took the information. Be sure to use quotation marks for exact quotes; otherwise you should paraphrase (for more on paraphrasing, see <http://brianpavlac.org/teach/thParaphrase.html>)
3. Find at least one primary source for each the Black Death and your own special topic.
4. Create a pre-bibliography listing each of your sources, in
proper presentation format, with the appropriate sources you have collected so far listed under the following
subheadings: "Tertiary Sources," "Secondary Sources,"
and "Primary Sources." You will get some extra credit for having more than the required
minimum sources
(one tertiary, seven secondary, two primary), depending on their quality. The tertiary source from your previous assignment of the "PART TWO: Choice of Topic."
5. Submit your assignment at the beginning of class on the
date listed in the
in the proper presentation
format of (1) a title page followed by; (2) the Turabian/Chicago format pre-bibliography (for a sample
click here), and then; (4) one sample page of notes for each secondary source (either word processed or photocopied from hand written notes.
This assignment will be evaluated
both on the quality of references, the accuracy of bibliographic formatting, and the quality and detail of your notes.
Part FOUR: Pre-Writing Thesis and Outline(20 points)
1. Formulate a thesis for your topic. Basically your thesis will state
briefly your view on how your plague or epidemic affecting Western Civilization compares to the Black Death. For more on writing theses, click
2. Formulate an outline using bullet points for your paper (limited to one page).
For more on outlines in general, click
here. For a sample of how the outline should
look for this assignment, click here.
See also this page on Essay
Structure. Write out your thesis as one complete sentence only,
followed by your outline.
Outline points should reflect the main topics you have researched about your
sources such as their authorship, accuracy, contradictions, points-of-view,
perspective on major historical and social issues (scientific and
technological sophistication, distribtion of wealth, violence and power, social
hierarchy, creativity, and belief systems). Your conclusion should clearly
restate the main idea of comparison and contrast.
Submit your assignment at the beginning of class on the
date listed in the
schedule for each paper,
in the proper presentation format
of (1) a title page, followed by; (2) a page with your thesis and outline (page 1--no
more than one page long), then; (3) your current
pre-bibliography (page 2-etc.).
Part FIVE: FINAL DRAFT (75 points)
1. Rest, then review and revise your written work repeatedly. You might use the
Writing Center.
This assignment will be evaluated on the quality
and use of your research from your sources your thinking about how information
can be rationalized. Support all your assertions with proper reasoning and/or
details drawn from your sources. Your citation of sources will substantially
influence the evaluation of your essay.
Check out this information on "How to write Essays."
2. Submit your final draft by Moodle at the time listed in the
schedule in the proper presentation
format of (1) a title page followed by (2) your four-to-five pages of original text
of your essay, and underline your thesis sentence in
the first introductory paragraph, (3) your revised and final bibliography,
and (4) print out the
checklist here <staff.kings.edu/bapavlac/methods/format.html> fill it out
to make sure you have formatted your paper correctly, and attach the
checklist at the back of your assignment. (Do not include
any pages with thesis, outlines, or photocopies from previous assignments).
You earn your grade through work done for this course. You are
responsible to understand why you have achieved a certain grade and what
you can do to maintain or improve your grade. You are encouraged
to consult with the professor during office hours or by appointment both before
and after exams and written assignments.
Click here for
a Grading Policy with more information on the parameters of evaluation and grading.
For more information on grades, see your Student Handbook and the College catalog.
For your protection, in case of errors of recording, you should keep copies of all exams and assignments until you have received official notice of your final grade. Any and all materials done for this course may become the property of the professor, who may use them for assessment, evaluative, scholarly, or research purposes.
Your final grade will be based on a percentage (above 90%=A, 80-89%=B, etc.) of the sum of the assignments. Different assignments will be worth certain point values, as follows:
75 points for the first exam;
100 for the second exam; and 125 for the final exam;
10 points each (30 total) for three map quizzes; 20 for the syllabus quiz;
5-20 points each for any in-class quizzes or class project statements;
5-15 points for each textbook evaluation at each exam;
150 points for all the parts of your major written assignment;
150 points for your class attendance & participation.
Completing assignments on time is an important aspect of your course
work. You yourself must hand in each
written assignment at the beginning of class on the
dates as listed in the schedule, or, if directed, submit the assignment electronically in Moodle.
If you have not submitted the assignment on time, do so as soon as possible. The grade of any assignment you turn in late will lose at least 10% after the beginning of
the first class, 20% after the second, and 35% after the third. No late
assignments will be
accepted after the last day of classes. You may not earn credit for a part of
these written assignments until the previous part(s) have been submitted.
Most important, this course and your entire education should be about learning to be a better human being, not merely earning grades and fulfilling requirements. The grades and requirements, however, are imperfect means toward that noble end. Please consult with the professor about how you can succeed.
The schedule below or on Moodle inform you of work expected to be done for this course. Should the College cancel classes, still do work according to the schedule, until otherwise instructed by the
professor. If classes are online they meet according to the regular schedule.
Should the College have a compressed or half-day schedule as announced by the college, still do the work according to
the schedule below, including turning any required work in at the next class, until otherwise instructed by the professor. Compressed class time is 12:30-1:05pm.
The list below of WebSOURCES and their questions required for each class are hyperlinks shown in the right hand column. Clicking on a hyperlink on the schedule will take you a page at ConciseWesternCiv.com, where you can click on the appropriate link to get to online resources.
PART I The Study of History and the formation of the Ancient West
week-date |
Big Questions/Assignments Due |
Concise Western Civ pages to read | Links for WebSOURCES |
1- M Feb 1 |
What's this course about? |
- | - |
W Feb 3 |
How do historians study, divide up, and understand our past? |
xv-18 |
What is History?: Which definition of history most resembles your own, and why? |
F Feb 5 |
What important cultural survival techniques did our old-stone-age ancestors invent? Syllabus Quiz Due on Moodle |
19-30 |
Paleolithic Tools |
2-M Feb 8 |
What often-ignored problems did civilization create ? | 30-38 |
Code of Hammurabi, select laws Websource Quiz Due on Moodle |
W Feb 10 |
What did various Middle Eastern civilizations contribute to the foundations of Western Culture?
Textbook Assignment Due on Moodle |
38-68 | Some Laws from Leviticus: What rights and crimes are important according to these laws? |
F Feb 12 |
How did the Greeks and later Hellenistic rulers succeed and fail in politics? Textbook Assignment Due on Moodle |
69-86 |
Funeral Oration of Pericles: What are the special virtues of Athens and its citizens according to this speech? |
3- M Feb 15 |
What Greco-Roman culture unified the Mediterranean, Western Europe and the Middle East? |
86-94 | Apology of Socrates What does Socrates say is his service to Athens? |
W Feb 17 |
How did Rome grow from a city-state to an empire unifying the Mediterranean? Textbook Assignment Due on Moodle |
95-120 |
Augustus: What are the most important accomplishments listed here and why? |
F Feb 19 |
How did the new religion of Christianity begin and grow? (Practive Map Quiz available on Moodle) |
121-136 |
18: What are the most important virtues expressed here, and why? |
4 M Feb 22 |
How did the Roman Empire fall in the West, yet last another 1000 years in the East? 1st Map Quiz due on Moodle |
136-144 |
Augustine's City of God, Chapter 21: How important are states to God's plan? |
W Feb 24 |
Review 2. Choice of Topic for Plagues Due Bring your noted Textbook! |
xv-144 | Study Questions for Exam 1 |
F Feb 26 |
FIRST EXAM | - | - |
PART IIa The Medieval West
week-date |
Big Questions/Assignments Due |
Concise Western Civ pages to read |
Links for WebSOURCES |
5- M Mar 1 |
Library Visit OR as Mar 3 class |
- |
(You are not required to print this out, but |
W Mar 3 |
How did the new civilization emerging in Western Europe at the begin of the Middle Ages combine the heritage of Romans and Germans? OR Library Visit |
145-157 | Conversion of Clovis |
F Mar 5 |
How did the Franks and the Carolingian family succeed briefly in uniting a Western European empire, but ultimately fail? |
157-162 | Life of Charlemagne, selection: WebSource Reading Assignment Due on Moodle |
6- M Mar 8 |
How did the feudal politics and manorial economics help the West recover at the end of the Early Middle Ages? Texbook Assignment Due on Moodle |
162-167 | Oath of Homage and Fealty: |
W Mar 10 |
How did more centralized governments form in Western Europe during the High Middle Ages? |
169-177 | William the Conqueror, selection: WEBsource Reading Assignment Due on Moodle |
F Mar 12 |
How did the reforms of monks lead to a reform of the wider Church and the creation of the medieval papacy? |
177-183 | Life of St. Bernard [You only need to consider the selection from the first life, not the second, beginning "From the Acta Sanctorum of Arnold...," although it is interesting]: What words describe the monastic life and the Christian faith? |
7- M Mar 15 |
How did the popes fight with kings and other religious movements?
184-198 | Peter Abelard, Sic et non: What are some of the problems with reading scripture? |
W Mar 17 |
How did the revival of trade & towns change the West during the High and Late Middle Ages? |
198-209 | The Black Death described by Boccaccio: WEBsource Reading Quiz Due on Moodle |
PART IIb Early Modern Europe
date |
Big Questions/Assignments Due |
Concise Western Civ pages to read | Links for WebSOURCES |
F Mar 19 |
How did late-medieval and early-modern monarchs concentrate still more government power? 3. Primary and Secondary Source Research Due on Moodle |
211-219 | Trial of Joan of Arc, selection: |
8-M Mar 22 |
How did the Renaissance promote the West's transition into modernity? (Practive Map Quiz available on Moodle) Texbook Assignment Due on Moodle |
219-229 |
Machiavelli's The Prince, Chapter XVIII: How does Machiavelli use the comparison to beasts to apply virtue as a guide for political action? |
W Mar 24 |
How did the Western Latin Church begin to split apart during the Reformation? | 299-235 | Luther against the Peasants What are Luther's specific criticisms of the peasants? |
F Mar 26 |
How did early-modern reforms in religion culminate in wars over religion? 2nd Map Quiz due on Moodle |
235-243 | Pope Pius V's Bull Against Elizabeth: What are the pope's criticisms of Elizabeth? |
9-M Mar 29 |
What new world politics did the "Voyages of Discovery" and colonial imperialism by Europeans create? - Bring your Textbook |
243-254 | Brief Account of the Devastation of the Indies, selection: WEBsource Reading Quiz Due on Moodle |
W Mar 31 |
Second Exam |
211-254 | |
Easter |
- | - | - |
PART III The Modern World
date |
Big Questions/Assignments Due |
Concise Western Civ pages to read | Links for WebSOURCES |
How did the First Scientific Revolution overthrow conceptions about how the world works? |
255-260 | Recantation of Galileo: To what does Galileo plead guilty and why? |
F Apr 9 |
What improvements did Enlightenment thinkers propose for human society? | 261-268 | Voltaire on Tolerance: What role does religion have in intolerance? |
11- M Apr 12 |
How did absolutism gain ascendancy in Early Modern Europe? |
268-276 | The Behavior of Louis XIV: WEBsource Reading Quiz Due on Moodle |
W Apr 14 |
How did democratic forms of government spread in the West? 4. Pre-Writing (Thesis and Outline) Due |
276-285 |
The Declaration of Independence: See also Know your Constitution! |
F Apr 16 |
How did the revolutionaries in France execute political changes? | 285-292 |
Levée en masse: |
12-M Apr 19 |
How did war alter the French Revolution and cause Napoleon's rise and fall? |
292-298 |
Napoleon's Report on the Condition of France: WEBsource Reading Quiz Due on Moodle |
W Apr 21 |
How did inventions and capitalism produce the Industrial Revolution? 5. Final Draft of Plagues on Moodle) |
299-312 |
Observations on the Loss of Woollen Spinning: What miseries have spinning machines resulted in for women and children? |
F Apr 23 |
How did competing ideologies offer alternatives in the 19th Century? |
312-319 |
Carlsbad Decrees: How do the resolutions affect students and their choices? |
13-M Apr 26 |
How did Socialists address problems manufactured by the Industrial Revolutions? | 319-330 | Gotha Program (1875): WEBsource Reading Quiz Due on Moodle |
W Apr 28 |
How did naturalistic science generate new and unsettling knowledge in the 19th Century? (Practive Map Quiz available on Moodle) |
330-335 |
Darwin's The Descent of Man, selection: How does the author apply his ideas to human culture? |
F Apr 30 |
How did the Europeans come to dominate Asia and Africa? |
337-348 | The Crime of the Congo by Arthur Conan Doyle, selection : WEBsource Reading Quiz Due on Moodle |
14-M May 3 |
How did the United States of America become a world power? 3rd Map Quiz Due on Moodle |
348-352 |
Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine: |
W May 5 |
How did various nationalisms unify and divide Western nations? |
352-363 | Mazzini's Essay on the Duties of Man: |
F May 7 |
How did nationalist problems in the Balkans lead to the First World War? |
363-367 |
Report on the Plight of the Macedonian Muslims: WEBsource Reading Quiz Due on Moodle |
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Review | xv-367, 501-508 | Study questions for final exam in progress; be sure to study the primary sources in the CWC text and online. |
Tues, May 11, 10:15-11:45 |
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Requirements | Exams | Maps Moodle
Written Assignments | Grading Policy | Paper Presentation
General History Links | CLASS SCHEDULE with links to WebSOURCES| How to read Primary Sources
Although this syllabus presents the basic content and requirements of the course, the professor reserves the right to change anything (e.g. assignments, point values, topics, due dates, grading policy, etc.), at any time, at his discretion. All these requirements, remember, are to help you to learn.
URL: http://brianpavlac.org/teach/HIST101.html Site built, maintained, & Copyright MMXXI by Brian A. Pavlac Last Revision: 2022 February 1 |